Monday, December 30, 2013

Two Kinds of Administrative Professionals

There are two types of Administrative Assistants.  The first is an Assistant who processes administrative "junk" for their bosses and is content to sit and wait for the next assignment to fall into their inbox. The second type of Assistant is a very different breed.

According to his or her Executive, this Assistant carries a superhero cape in a nondescript computer bag and dons it at a moments notice. Disguised as an "ordinary Assistant", presentations, letters, calendaring and scheduling are performed with the same ease and efficiency used by Clark Kent to write his next story for the Daily Planet.  

Yet, under the surface of this efficient filing, document processing, and scheduling professional lurks a caped crusader with great business acumen and emotional intelligence.  This Assistant can leap deadlines and roadblocks with nary a second thought, represents and elevates reporting executives to gain positive organizational recognition, builds legions of superhero formal and informal networks to ensure highly functional teams, and manages projects from first thought to implementation all while navigating the corporate political environment with ease.  This Assistant completes the team and advances the managing executive.

Yes, if you seek an "administrative junk" processor, there are many who will answer the call and be sufficient; sufficient is good in an ordinary world. But if your world is not ordinary and sufficient is not acceptable, seek out the Assistant who brings the hidden cape; because for the caped Assistant, extraordinary and impossible are accomplished all in a day's work.

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